It’s another killer episode of Frazetta Friday, and this installment comes crashing in at number 13!
Witness the Birdman take flight, and the bikini-clad valkyrie leading her metal men for a dawn attack. It’s probably best to steer clear of that guarded nymph relaxing on the hillside – there’s another blonde who might be easy pickings, depending on which way the battle plays out. If brunettes are your thing, today’s just not your day – even if you manage to take down that pack of savages, there’s a good chance you’ll be eaten before you can catch your breath.
If you’re still alive at this point, there’s just one sword-wielding dude between you and the last babe of the bunch. It’ll be smooth sailing before you know… fuck. Forgot about Death Dealer. You’re pretty much dead, dude. Better luck next time.