by Tim Granda
by Tim Granda
Australian Adam Knickel’s latest “D” series is quite different than the nose to the page mid-century illustration style he’s known for (DicE, Deus Ex Machina, Born Free, Born Loser), but the pieces are equally appealing. The influence of Akira creator Katsuhiro Otomo immediately comes to mind, and the moments captured in these wonderful images are those we’ve all experienced while building bikes. Stop by his site and grab a few prints before your brothers buy them up!
by Tim Granda
by Tim Granda
Who’s responsible for screwing up my mind? This guy! This guy right here! Well, to be fair, artist Philippe Druillet is only partially responsible. The magazine Heavy Metal introduced me to this talented Frenchman when I was a kid back in the late seventies. I’d ride my Team Mongoose to the local 7-11, pick up a Slurpee, a pack of orange Space Dust, and the latest copy of the twisted Heavy Metal.
by Tim Granda
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Doom Cycle is the place to keep up with all the rad artists in and around the chopper scene. It's run by this dude in MI named Tim Granda. [Read More...]