Back in 2003, Frank Frazetta teamed up with Albion Armorers to bring a selection of his iconic weapons and helms to life. The stuff was all made by hand and limited to 1,000 pieces each. They did some incredible work! In a letter to them, Frazetta spoke about the use of exaggeration in his paintings:
“I see things as they exist, but I paint them from the image they have left on my mind rather than how they appear in reality. If you really examine your fears, you realize how out of proportion they are. Your mind’s eye constantly paints pictures far in excess of what’s real. I try to capture those images in my work. I’m dealing with the emotion of fear and not the anatomical proportions of the weapon. A sword can kill, and I will exaggerate those qualities of a sword that will emphasize its ability to kill. The size, the hardness, the coldness of the metal, the point, and the sharpened edge – whatever it takes to spell out the emotion the best.”