Welcome back to another installment of Heavy Metal Monday, a new series here on Doom Cycle which features my scans from the first 10 years of Heavy Metal Magazine. Each episode is guaranteed to blow your mind with a barrage of killer artwork from all over the globe. Though you won’t see complete stories, you will find rad panels, full pages, back covers, and some cool ads. It’s going to be a killer trip so make sure to stop by whenever you see a new episode announced.
This installment features some awesome stuff! First up is a back cover from the October ’77 issue that was drawn by one of the greatest artists to ever lift a pen: Bernie Wrightson. He was in his late twenties when he created this piece, and it was the first time his work was featured in the magazine. In June of 1980, his story Captain Sternn would make it’s debut; later becoming a killer sequence in the Heavy Metal animated film.
Richard Corben is back with another trippy page from Den, and the amazing Dionnet (the dude who drew Heavy Metal‘s first cover) teams up with Sole in a featured page from In You I Am Reborn. Now, it wouldn’t be a stretch to call Moebius the greatest comic book artist of all-time (’cause he fucking is), so he’s got two pages coming at ya: The first is one in which he teamed up with writer Dan O’Bannon (Dark Star, Alien, etc.) for The Long Tomorrow, and the second is a page from How Good Is Man, which demonstrates the magnitude of his ass kicking.
Also on display is Rockblitz by Sergio Macedo, an old ad for the book Views by album cover icon Roger Dean, and a stellar page from Teonanacatl Genese by Cortman. Check this shit out!