Here’s the new piece I’m working on. I could easily spend the next few weeks adding more details, but when does one stop, and why should they?
“Snake Charmer” by Granda
The latest piece I’m working on is called “Snake Charmer”. It continues my pursuit to capture the spirit of my childhood idols, consisting mainly of Richard Corben, Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Moebius, Tanino Liberatore, and a slew of other artists featured in the first ten glorious years of Heavy Metal Magazine.
Selected for the Greasy Dozen
On the night before Christmas, I was selected as one of The Greasy Dozen, a group of 12 builders chosen annually to represent the grassroot, underground build scene. A lot of killer sponsors came on board to donate parts, their time, subscriptions, and a whole bunch of cool swag. It was a real honor to be chosen, and I’m proud to stand with my fellow G.D.s!
Here’s the picture I put together for the official start of the build. That’s me on the right, and on the left, and… you get the idea.